The Two-World Problem

I see two sides of the world.

The first world, where it doesn’t take much to be happy. This is a world where its residents don’t associate satisfaction with money. The people of this world, they’re not competing with each other. They don’t care who’s ahead or who’s behind them. Their eyes have a certain kindness in that they love to nurture and help others spread their wings, even if it takes them higher than themselves.

People here value the feeling of peace — a safe warm home, a gentle loving partner, a simple life in the countryside or a certain stability to experience the world for what it is. Life is slow here and they’re in no hurry because what they have now is already sufficient. Their purpose of existence may not be grand but they’ve seen more sunsets than anyone in the other world, and to them, that is what it’s all about — to feel connected to something beyond themselves.

But the other world is not less magnificent. The people here are hustlers. They have propelled the world to an age where there’s a world within the world. The people here dream of a life of abundance. They understand how money has the potential to make life better, how fame can bring opportunities that would’ve never existed, and how a single moment can change lives forever.

They love experiencing new things and the idea of driving to work in a Porsche sounds like a sweet dream. The people of this world are creators who want to create something bigger than themselves. From launching rovers in space to creating influential content for an audience, every person is working towards a future where they can be proud of their achievements. Peace for them is knowing that they don’t have to compromise in life and that they’re leading an exceptional life — one for the documentaries!

People from both sides of the world jump ship from time to time. Big founders and creators hang their boots early and go on unique journeys to feel connected to the world they’ve missed out on, while others gain inspiration from Mother Earth and decide to create something from all their little lessons of life.

As a growing young plant, I’m torn between which world I want to belong to. With dreams as big as the world, I yearn to make it to the top, to leave a footprint in the sands of time, forever remembered. But I also want a life where I can feel connected to something more magnificent, something beyond my control and live slowly to cherish it.

I don’t despise the struggle, but loathe the race.

The darkness of the creator world has turned everyone into competitors. We have idealized businessmen, actors and high-worth individuals as role models only to realize that sometimes, it’s all but a sham.

Imagine putting in all that hustle, only to find out later that what truly matters to me isn’t even in this world.

However, can I come to terms with spending my prime years without the motivation to make a positive impact on the world?

Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash

I find myself conflicted. The gentle world of unhurried time isn’t just for people who have already a certain success; it’s also within reach of today’s youth. As corporations expand and consumption accelerates, there’s less expectation for any individual to single-handedly revolutionize the world. People now have the liberty to prioritize their own needs rather than think about the broader world.

Yet, why does it feel like I would be cheating on myself if I let myself live an ordinary life?

My problem is not with being ordinary, but with not trying to be extraordinary. No one is born special but people depart this world special. If they had such complacent thoughts as mine, would they be where they are today?

This confrontation is not a simple one because the world is changing fast. What my parents value differs from what I value. What I value, my nephew and niece may not value.

Maybe the pursuit of excellence comes first, paving the way for wisdom and experience to lead me to where I truly belong. Maybe that is when I would start feeling connected to the world outside my own.

On the other hand, maybe finding peace and cultivating a calm, consistent heart precedes everything. This sense of completeness could inspire me to make a positive impact on my surroundings, keeping my inner fire alive.

Or perhaps, it’s about living harmoniously in both worlds simultaneously, where the drive to create a positive change coexists with personal fulfillment.

I’m not sure yet. It’s a tough nut to crack.

But while I try to find an answer, I’ll make sure to bounce back and forth between going all out and taking it easy, so that I can experience both these worlds in some measure. This two-world problem may not have a definite answer, but as I travel to both these realms as a visitor, I hope I find a place I can call home.

Maybe I’m just overthinking, or maybe this is what we all experience to some measure. Nothing is black and white. There are no instructions on which is the most rewarding way of living life.

But I guess, knowing what is important to us, how we want to live and how much we are ready to sacrifice may help us navigate to a life closer to the one we want.

Hi. This is Harsh, the author of this blog.
I’m glad you read my article and hope that there was something that you could resonate with at a deeper level.

I write about things that I think I’d like to tell myself. I attempt to collate all my dispersed thoughts into a single flow of thought. With every article, I try to dig into a certain thought or feeling to make it more comprehensible.

If you enjoy reading my work, I hope you can check out my podcast(I call it my audio library of thoughts), Within 5 Minutes, where I try to bring these words to life in the most calming, peaceful way I can.

You can find this audio library in the common music streaming platforms — or you can check out the podcast section of this page

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Harsh Patel
Harsh Patel

A 24-year-old who runs a podcast that is heard across 52 countries. I live two identities - an engineer when the sun shines and a content creator when the stars align. I take life, one day, one step at a time. Join me in my journey as I continue to explore everything that life has to offer.

Articles: 45

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