The Silence of Rain

Night time city side rainy reflection with 2 people holding umbrellas
Photo by Jack Finnigan on Unsplash

I like the town on rainy nights.

When the air is seasoned with glitter and spice

And the roads are greeted with upside-down lights

When puddles and pools are born to life

Creating ripples through music and time.

Fighting the battle is the tar and the rain

Releasing into the air, freshness, and change

Rocks and Garbage swept into the drain

Is this the savior we’ve been looking for? Strange.

Scores of people converge under tinned sheets

As the sky sends its love to the ground beneath.

Dripping wet, are two boys on the street

One looking ecstatic and the other, in defeat.

How little do they know,

That they’re on two ends of the circular string

One, at the start

And the other, at the end.

It’s a funny thing how rain brings out all the little secrets we’ve been hiding

Tears that camouflage in the chaos of the rain

Words that speak in the silence of the rain

For I am the rain that is gently patting your rooftop

Pitter Patter, Pitter Patter

I trickle down and glide across.

This poem came at a time when Bangalore was going through one of the worst rainfall storms in 2022. I sat in my balcony studio watching the rain crash into the window sills for hours until I decided that I want to capture this moment and keep it with me.

Ever since I was young, I always experienced a sort of high when it started raining. My thoughts would clear and my mind would feel lighter. It was magic potion cleansing both our lands and our hearts. So I thought of brushing the poetry skills that I was once so proud of to do justice to all the little things I like when it rains.

Hope you liked this short poem. You can head to my blog page if you want to read anything about personal development or self-help.

I’ve also read this poem in one of my bonus episodes in the podcast. Trust me, it’s so soothing to listen to a poem if it is read the right way. And I’m definitely learning how to. You can help yourself to that episode by clicking on this link.

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Harsh Patel
Harsh Patel

A 24-year-old who runs a podcast that is heard across 52 countries. I live two identities - an engineer when the sun shines and a content creator when the stars align. I take life, one day, one step at a time. Join me in my journey as I continue to explore everything that life has to offer.

Articles: 45

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