When was the last time you told yourself that you’ll start pursuing what really matters to you? That you’ll leave all your problems behind and travel the world with your partner. Money, Work & Status, nothing will come your way. You’ll become the fittest you’ll ever be and luck will side with you in bringing newer experiences.
We’re all hoping that one day, we’ll live the life we always think about. But what is the point if all we do is talk & think about it?
The truth is, we are all dreamers. We dream about things that we do not have. But do you always want to be a dreamer or do you want to be a chaser? One day, you will pursue it. And if it’s going to happen one day, it might as well be today.
It’s irrefutable that we all get 24 hours in one day. Time stops for no one. Time does not owe you anything. It’s up to you to understand the value of your time. Some people invest their time and some people waste their time. There are people who are grinding themselves day and night for the same things that you want. Who do you think is closer to having their first breakthrough? Make a guess.
You need to ask yourself what is the one thing you could do today that you will be thankful for tomorrow. And that is all you need to do to get started.
You don’t get to have any do-overs. Once your day is over, it’s over. That’s it. So ask yourself, are you in control of your day, or are you being controlled by your day?
Your wins won’t come in big surprises. There are no lottery tickets for your life. Instead, every day that you wake up and do what it is that you need to do, is a win. Every day you decide to act on your dreams is a win. And these wins will pile up in small increments every day until it becomes evident that you’re slowly getting there.
Now I’m throwing the ball in your court. You’ve gotta choose, okay? Is it one day? Or is it day one? One day or day one?

No matter what it is that you’re trying to chase, you need to have the audacity of a lion that is stalking its prey. You’ve got to keep your eyes on your target at all times or it’s going to slip away.
How long have you been thinking about this one day? How long have you been talking about this one day? How many people have you told about this one day? How does it feel when you have to keep saying, one day?
Making progress is like taking part in a tug of war. You will need to keep pulling the rope every day without fail. It’s a daily, weekly, and hourly fight. If you let go of the rope, you’ll be sitting on the floor with your hands on your head, wondering if should you have done things differently. But even then, if you really believe in yourself, you will get back on your legs and start pulling the rope like it’s day one.
Today is your day, today is day one.
Whatever it is that you are pursuing, you need to act like it, you need to talk like it, you need to feel like it, you need to become it. You cannot fake this thing. You need to become legit. It takes time, it takes energy and it takes extreme dedication. You have to wake up every morning with the intent that you’re going to wear yourself out because being comfortable is poison. Once you decide that you are comfortable with what you have before achieving your dreams, you kill the intent of ever making it there.
It may sound like blind motivation, but this is just a reminder.
Everything is built on bricks. Unless you start placing them together, you won’t be able to build your palace. It could take years of hard work with no results, but in the fifth year, it could all fall into place and your life could be completely different.
All it takes is one moment. And this one moment is what you should work for every single day.
If you really do decide this to be day one for the rest of your life. I want to tell you that, it’s going to be tough. You’re not gonna wake up every day feeling good about this. You might build insecurities. And truth be told, motivation doesn’t last long. You may not even remember what is driving you sometimes.
But keep at it. Your life is yours. Your choices are yours. If you’ve started working on it, pursue it like a crazy person. Let them know you as someone who tries so hard even though you’ve got no success. Let them know that you choose to work on yourself even if it means that you have to sacrifice something else.
Because one day, when you make it, they will be the first ones to cheer you on. And they will finally know that the one day you’ve always spoken about started when you decided that it’s day one.
So are you waiting for that One Day? Or are you going to make it Day One?
I realized that I have a lot of small dreams. I know that they may not all manifest at the same time or heck, they may not even manifest at all. But if I don’t try, I would always be left wondering if it could’ve been different.
Not attempting to explore your dreams hurts more than failure.
Do you need to have a panoramic view of where you’re going before you start? Nope. Just start. Go into it oblivious. I focused on putting content out there rather than actually perfecting the content. All that can come later.
Think of each day as day one. Stay in the embryonic stage. Even after you reach your milestone, it’s still day one for the rest of the journey. Did you get 100K subscribers on youtube? Still day one. Don’t think you’ve made it until you have nothing more to give.
I hope you liked this article.
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