Think of your mind as a garden and yourself as a gardener. Whatever you plant in your garden, is exactly what you shall get. There’s no way for you to plant tomato seeds and expect them to grow into strawberries. You’re going to reap, just what you sow. If you don’t like your crop, dig the damn soil up and plant something else.
The garden analogy, although the most common one, teaches us many things from a different perspective. You can argue that sowing the seed is not enough because there are so many factors that decide how your plant would turn out. It’s true. But, I’m sure you know that taking the first step is already half the work done.
If we are continuously filling our heads with ideas of negativity, there’s no way that we can expect ourselves to positively tackle our own fears. The only way for us to get a positive outlook in life is to consistently plant positive seeds and weed out the negative ones. Once we can understand this, our perspective would definitely change.
You reap what you sow.
Galatians 6:7
A very biblical term for poetic justice and it is also tangled with the concepts of karma. While I can write about the philosophical side of this quote, I think I would rather talk about the realistic side of it – A lesson that we can use to start chasing the dreams in our lives.
How can you use “You sow what you reap” in your life?
The way you can use this in your day-to-day life is by setting up the foundation of your day-to-day activities.

Break down what it is that you want most in your life. Do you want to be rich? Start investing and saving today. Do you want to get famous? Work towards creating something that everyone can remember you for. But start today. Do you want to be a global artist? Or do you want to have an amazing physique? What about a gold medalist? You’ve got to start working on it, today. Sow the seeds for your future and put in just a little amount of time every day.
Your efforts will compound as time passes by. And the reason why you have to start today is because it takes time to spread your roots. roots are the foundation of the plant. And as the root grows, the plant grows. If the foundation is strong, the fruit of the plant will be healthy and sweet.
There is no shortcut to reaching the top of this ladder. You got to put in the work to enjoy what you define as success for yourself. Every action that you take today, is going to push you one step closer to what you imagine for your future. Every successful person has reaped the rewards of the seeds they planted when they were young.
I know a lot of people who are my age, myself included, who dream big and set certain standards we want to live our lives with. Whether we achieve these dreams or not is a different story, but we need to recognize the fact that without taking baby steps towards those dreams, they will never manifest. For me, starting this blog is a baby step toward building one of my dreams.
So, find one of your passions that you have been sleeping on. And start planting the seeds but start today. If you keep watering this passion of yours, you will always be able to create something beautiful out of it.
Always remember that it takes 2–5 years for an apple tree to bear fruit, but only five minutes to eat them. Does that mean it’s not worth the effort? No. Because you will be bearing fruits for the rest of your life.
A small investment today will yield large benefits tomorrow.
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