To Be A Human

Photo by Harry Quan on Unsplash

We are creatures of paradox
We seek love, yet fear vulnerability.
We preach for peace, yet continue to fight wars.
We crave deep connections, yet guard our hearts with walls.
Being a human is not easy.

There are 7 colours in a rainbow, but a million colours within all of us. Just as no two people see the same rainbow, the shades we wear are unique and everyone perceives them differently. What one person deems important may appear insignificant to someone else. What one sees as a right might be viewed as a privilege by another.

So what does it mean to be a human?
What does it feel like to be one?

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

To be a human is to be ugly, vile & wild. It is to have a side that wishes to sabotage and see the world burning in the reflections of teary eyes.

To be a human is to have the urge to scream but still not make a sound. It is to be afraid and silent like our mouths are forever bound.

To be a human is to experience the desire for physical touch, often mistaking pleasure and lust for happiness and love.

To be a human is to look down from our terrace and think there’s no other choice. It is to lose yourself enough to give in to the devil’s seductive voice.

We have within us the potential to be bad people. We have in front of us the opportunities to misuse and abuse. And we take it because we’re selfish little creatures. We run away from our crimes by buying our way out. We take advantage of the weak by showing them bundles of paper. We see the worst in others and whisper in each other’s ears. We blot the colours with darkness not knowing it lasts several years.

Sometimes, we’re on the other end of the system where all we can do is grieve. We lose faith and question the meaning of existence. Peace becomes a constant battle and we become so consumed by struggle that we lash out in uncontrollable anger, leaving scars that never heal. We become villains in our own life and make the same mistakes, countless times.

In a crowd of people, we are still alone,
the taste of charcoal; the colour we own.

Photo by Marwan Ahmed on Unsplash

I was walking down the busy Church St. in Bangalore when I noticed a small poor boy, no older than ten, huddling on the corner with a torn blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He tenderly cradled a stray kitten, offering the remnants of his meagre meal. Despite his hardships, he cared for and fed another living being. His scarcity didn’t stop him from doing what he thought was the right thing.

Does humanity also have a bright side?

To be a human is to pour love and kindness into the well of life — one that serves till the end of time.

To be a human is to raise our voices for what is just. A ripple starts a wave, a movement that never rusts.

To be a human is to be the bigger person when the occasion comes. It is to forgive and pick up all the broken crumbs.

To be human is to rebuild and recreate. It is to rise time and again until we change our fate.

We have within us the capacity to be good people, even in the most unexpected situations. A single act of kindness can set off a chain reaction that eventually makes its way back to us.

Sometimes, people look into our eyes and see what we can’t see ourselves. Their faith drives us to become better people, finding the courage to gather all the broken pieces. It may never be the same again, but it can still be beautiful.

Life often pushes us to the edge. But it is in these moments, when we look down, that we learn the bravest decision of all: to live and give ourselves another chance. The end is not the solution, for everything in life eventually passes. We take a shot and move forward, believing that life can surprise us again. Our challenges will come and go, but we belong on the right side of history — where every fallen hero pays the price that needs to be borne.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Each shade in the spectrum tells a tale of what it means to be human. 
Some reflect our inherent goodness, while others harbour our hidden darkness.
No one person is better than the other.
We’re all different people, but we’re all the same colours.

Hi. This is Harsh, the author of this blog.
I’m glad you read my article and hope that there was something that you could resonate with at a deeper level.

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Harsh Patel
Harsh Patel

A 24-year-old who runs a podcast that is heard across 52 countries. I live two identities - an engineer when the sun shines and a content creator when the stars align. I take life, one day, one step at a time. Join me in my journey as I continue to explore everything that life has to offer.

Articles: 42

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