The one thing we know for sure in life is that change is going to happen. It is inevitable.
“If you do not create change yourself, change will create you”.
The longer you try to resist the forces of change, the tougher your life will get. There’s no running away from it. Unexpected situations will crawl into your hands whether you plan for it to happen or not. And no matter how much of a control freak you try to be, something will eventually leave you confused and scared.
“We should be willing to give up the life we have planned so that we can experience the life that is waiting for us”
Joseph Campbell
Things only get better with unpredictable changes. At least in the long run. But the challenge is in accepting it when it happens. For it is no secret that growth and change walk hand in hand.
A person may choose to stay in a toxic relationship because he is scared of being single or having to go on multiple dates to find a new partner. A person may stay in the same job unhappily for several years because he is afraid of the changes that happen in a new job or a prospective business effort. All this can immensely stunt the growth he is capable of.
How do you think you would feel when you look back 5 years into the past and realize that nothing has changed at all?
Yeah, you’d feel out of place. In a world that’s accelerating at an unprecedented speed, it’s like holding a keypad phone in the age of smartphones and modern tech. You’d be outdated and obsolete.
Technology is changing fast, people’s desires are changing fast, and the jobs we have around us are changing really fast. You don’t want to be left out trying to play catch with a generation that is moving exponentially in all aspects. So it’s high time you start getting used to changes, both inside and outside you, for in the modern world, the faster you adapt to change, the better your chances of success are.
Sometimes change doesn’t need to be an internal metamorphosis. It can just be a change of environment. Traveling gives you one such shot at change. It throws you opportunities to experience new things and expand your idea of the world. It makes you realize that you are but an insignificant being in a world that is filled with uncontrollable forces. And that opens up your eyes to finally understand how change makes the world so beautiful and special.
There are times when you’re feeling really exhausted and would rather stay in bed all day. You need to push yourself so hard to find the energy to get up and hit the gym. But once you do, all the energy in the environment seeps into you and you end up having a better time at the gym than you imagined. This is the kind of change you need to take charge of sometimes.
Change is very easily misinterpreted as ‘replacement’. So we need to make a consious effort to not associate change with a negative lens.
We don’t know the impact, how we’re going to feel going through it, or when we come out of it, on the other side. And that’s why change can feel scary. Change means stepping into the unknown, outside of our comfort zone, where things are easy and safe.
Why would we want to leave this happy place?
Because things might get even better. There are things you would never get to experience if they didn’t change. So don’t be afraid of it. You have a whole wide world waiting at your disposal. Take risks and accept the difficult things.
But always keep in mind what creates the core of you. In other words, what makes you who you are! Change makes us feel untethered like we’re flailing in the wind. But can we drop our anchor and stay grounded? Of course!
May your core, like your connection with your family, your values, or your commitment to serve others be, unaffected by all the changes around you.
Change is learning. Learning is growing. And Growing is living. So live and let live.
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