Fate Vs Destiny: A Cosmic Battle

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

On the left side of the boxing ring, we have Fate — a powerful force who thinks victory is inevitable.
On the right side is Destiny — an underdog who’s always changing and adapting to the course of the battles.

Both are strong contenders. But only one can be a true victor. Who’s going to seize the title of this life-changing championship? 
We’re in for the battle of this lifetime!

* Ding ding ding *

Round 1

When life happens, who do you think is in control? 
Is it we, who make choices or the universe, that runs a cosmic drama?
Do we move according to the universe’s decisions on a multiversal chessboard or do we hold the game controller of our lives? 

Think about those lucky breaks, those chance encounters and the “I think my stars aligned today” moments. There is no way we expected those chances to come our way, but they did. Someone or something was pulling the strings behind the scenes and we felt that within our hearts because what we got was well beyond our reach. 

Photo by Eyrie Photography on Unsplash

So mysterious is the world that when we surrender ourselves to the flow of existence, we are taken on a shaky boat ride. We are safe alright, but we don’t know where the storm will take us. We believe that everything that is happening is meant to be and no matter how much we try to change the outcome, our fate will always be the same. 

Fate likes marketing itself as the Google map of our lives. There is a certain, fixed destination set on the map but we’re not allowed to see it because fate loves throwing surprises. It’s the idea that there is a cosmic calling, a master script that has already been written and we have to let it lead us there. The natural order of the universe cannot be changed, no matter how hard we try. So why try, huh?

Big blow to Destiny! And round one goes to Fate.
Fate: 10
Destiny: 8

Round 2

But destiny? It hands us the steering wheel. It lets us pick our direction and allows us to drive this thing called life. It’s the idea that our decisions, and our actions, they shape the story of our lives. 

Destiny reminds us that our choices matter. Think of those moments when we decided to chase that dream, binge-watch another season and go to sleep at 3 am. It wasn’t fate that we woke up with dark circles. We had so many choices in our hands and we chose to let something happen to us as a consequence of our choice. 

In a world that constantly reminds us of our insignificance, destiny reminds us that we are powerful beings and one decision can make or break the world. History is a reminder that it takes all but a single choice to alter the future forever.

Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

Hitler’s decision to invade Poland started World War 2 and scarred the world forever.
“I Have a Dream” — four words by Martin Luther King that changed America completely.

A fitting uppercut by Destiny and Fate has lost round two.
Fate: 8
Destiny: 10

Final Round

But can destiny exist without a sprinkle of fate?
Can one be separated from the other like two insoluble heterogeneous liquids?

Photo by Ardian Lumi on Unsplash

If the world is the dance floor, then fate is the DJ. Fate sets the beat and creates the environment for us to show up, but the choice of dancing to those beats will be our destiny.

The universe has so much in store for us, but we have the privilege of choosing what we want to do with what we’re given. 
Fate might throw us curveballs, but destiny hands us the bat. 
We could be sailing on the seas of fate, but we get to decide which way to point the ship.

One sets the stage and the other grants us the agency to perform. We might not be able to control every twist and turn in the plot, but we sure can choose how we want to react to it. When we embrace both as catalysts in our lives, we can believe in our hearts that the universe and we are partners in crime.

I know we like the idea of blaming the universe for our problems and saying, “It was meant to be.” 
I know we feel empowered when we think that we created our own life and we alone dictate how our life goes. 

But that’s being unfair. 
You see, the universe keeps trying to give us more than what we deserve.

Photo by MOHAMED OSAMA on Unsplash

Like the time when a cute, out-of-your-league girl sits next to you on your way back home. You are so occupied with your phone that you barely get a glimpse of her before she gets off the bus. Maybe if you looked up just once, enough to see the opportunity sitting next to you, you may have had a shot at something you wanted all along. 

We are co-founders with the universe and everything that goes right or wrong is dependent on the choices we make and the cards being dealt to us. Sometimes, we are dealt a bad round but if we choose to play it right, who knows, the universe might just alter its natural course of action and assist us!

It may have been our fate that something happened to us, but it was our destiny that led us to it.

In an epic finale of this lifetime, we finally have our result.
Fate: 10
Destiny: 10

A TIE! Can you believe it? 
It’s a tie!

Fate: 28
Destiny: 28

Hi. This is Harsh, the author of this blog.
I’m glad you read my article and hope that there was something that you could resonate with at a deeper level.

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Harsh Patel
Harsh Patel

A 24-year-old who runs a podcast that is heard across 52 countries. I live two identities - an engineer when the sun shines and a content creator when the stars align. I take life, one day, one step at a time. Join me in my journey as I continue to explore everything that life has to offer.

Articles: 42

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